If you have come across ‘Naughty Chowee Quest in Payon looking for the missing NPC Chowee, you came to the right place because I’m here to help you to find Chowee location in Payon. Most of the new players in
Ragnarok M: Eternal Love will be have trouble looking for the NPC (including me when first time playing) because she hid somewhere you can’t find but still in Payon area.

Find Chowee in Payon Ragnarok M
The missing NPC location in Payon

It is quite easy to find Chowee, she is small kid with blue hair. First, open the map and look for the marked area on the picture below. Go to the marked area, and you will see a house with an NPC named Nona, Payon Kid standing beside the house.

Finding Chowee in Payon
Use your camera to find the hidden NPC Chowee

While standing on the staircase in front of the house, open up your Camera. The camera view will reveal where Chowee is. She is just standing right in front of the house. This is what makes Ragnarok M: Eternal Love so fun to play!

Find Naughty Chowee
Chowee name will show up when you close the camera view

Her name will then shows up on the screen and you can click on it to proceed the quest. Hope this simple guide will help you find the missing NPC Chowee and proceed with your quest and leveling up your character. If you are new and want to know how to level up fast in Ragnarok M, you should check out our leveling guide for all jobs.