Fancy the CineStill teal color tone for low light? You should check out the Cira 800 Film recipe for the X-Trans IV Fujifilm camera. If you have the X-Trans IV sensor and the Eterna film simulation, you will be able to use this Cira Film recipe.

The Cira 800 film recipe is one of the low-light film simulation recipes and is suitable for shooting cinematic still images during the day or night. This is the second film simulation recipe for low-light available in my Fujifilm X-Trans IV recipes list.

What is Cira 800 Film Recipe All About?

Originally, the Cira 800 Film was a low-light 35mm film roll that was similar to the CineStill 800T. It is a cheap alternative for film photographers who like the CineStill vibes. This Cira 800 film recipe mimics both the CineStill film and the Cira film.

Cira 800 Film Low Light For Fujifilm X-Trans IV
Fujifilm X-T4, F/2, SS 1/125, ISO1250

This Cira 800 Film recipe works great with cinematic FX filters, which I have tested with the Moment CineBloom filter at 20% density. Although it might not be 100% accurate it is one of the results of the close-in you can get.

How To Shoot Cira 800

You can either use manual mode or the Aperture Priority mode. For indoor shoots, let the camera adjust the ISO, you can adjust the exposure compensation or lower the shutter speed based on how you want the image to look.

Note: Under warm lighting, it will affect the final result in the color tone. It works best under white tungsten. Check out my new ‘One for the Road’ cinematic Fujifilm recipe for an alternative low-light cinematic mood.

Cira 800 Custom Settings For Fujifilm

Film Simulation: Eterna/Cinema
Dynamic Range: DR400
Highlight: +1
Shadow: +2
Color: +3
Sharpening: -1
Noise Reduction: -4
Grain Effect: Strong
Grain Size: Large
Color Chrome Effect: Strong
Color Chrome FX Blue: Strong
White Balance: Fluorescent 1, -8 Red & -3 Blue
Clarity: 0

Similar to the LomoChrome Metropolis, the Highlight, Shadow, and Color are the same but the recipe is for different shooting purposes. When shooting with the Cira film recipe, I love to shoot it a little overexposed to make use of the glow in the highlight when I’m using the diffusion filter.

After all, it is just based on your photography mood, and how you want your photo to look. All the sample photos below are shot with the Fujifilm X-T4.

Sample Photos

The photos above are shot with the Fujifilm X-T4 – AmazonUS