1. Introduction

As a photographer, you need to be good at posing your subjects. Keep them from over-smiling and looking awkward and allow the personality and emotion of your subject to shine through.

While some people know how to do this naturally, many others need some tips for helping their subjects feel more comfortable on camera and better about themselves. Here are 10 poses that anyone can use to take amazing portraits. You might also want to learn how to use the catchlights to make your photos more flattering.

If you are looking for the best portrait poses to achieve great photoshoot results, then this guide is perfect for photographers, models and talents out there who are looking for a complete guide about the 10 great portrait poses.

It is a great guide for portrait photographers to know about photographing women and men with different poses.

A lot of them are classical poses but there are some creative and fun ones that you can use in your shoots. The best thing about them is that you can choose a pose that works for your subject and creates a different mood in your picture.

If you get tired of using classical portraits all the time then just give these ten easy photo ideas a try! You can see some of the best portrait photographers like Karl Taylor and Lance Reis used these poses for portraits.

2. Portrait Posing for Male & Female

All poses are slightly different and offer you more creative possibilities. The poses used for males & females can be powerful, cool or moody. When using poses for portraits you should pay attention to the location of the model and the elements surrounding him or her.

Check out the video above for posing a male model in a photoshoot.

You will feel more comfortable when taking portrait photos of women. You can try them in different locations. Sometimes urban environments with no objects around may make it easier to take pictures of your model in an uncluttered environment.

Take note of the locations you usually take pictures in and try taking them with your model in the same locations. Look for suitable backgrounds for female portraits, they may include beautiful flowers, potted plants, pearls or tiling.

You can use props such as flowers, books, magazines, cigarettes, hats and many more. Your pictures will look more realistic if you use natural light. Try to find it by yourself or ask your model to wait at the brightest spot you have.

Try using the diffusion lens filter to add dreamy effects to portraits when photographing the models without any editing needed.

Be sure to think about the direction of your model in each photo. Using the rule of thirds for composition, if it’s a close-up, you may want to arrange the hair in a way that highlights different facial features.

3. What is The Best Portrait Poses for a Photoshoot?

Female Portrait Poses
Model: @helengorkava

A good posing tip for the best portrait photoshoot session is to make sure that your subject is looking at the camera, have good posture, and has an expression.

You should not be staring at the camera with intensity. Your head should be tilted slightly to one side so that you are not staring intensely at the camera. This way, you will be able to get the best portrait poses results for the photoshoot which the model & the photographer will be really happy about.

To pose for a camera, be sure to keep your lips together, not tight, and your eyes open and focused on the camera. Keep your neck straight, with chin up, so that you don’t slouch.

Avoid making your subject look silly by forcing them to pose in awkward positions that are suggestive.

When posing the subject and photographing women, try to look for at least one natural expression, by looking away from the camera if they are bored, or smiling if they are happy.

4. 10 Best Model Poses for Portraits

There are many different types of portrait poses for females. You can find some reference images on social media websites such as Instagram and Pinterest. I’m such a Pinner and Tumblr addict that I even make my own pinboards and share my favourite photography.

You can create your personal Pinterest board for portrait shots with all the examples of great portrait poses. Posing is not something that is easy to master, but you can get some ideas on how to pose properly below.

Sideway Pose
This is one of the popular and effective portraits poses that work on most models. It has a natural and relaxed look which will definitely accentuate your model’s beauty and femininity.

Motion Pose
This is a more active pose for female models. Your model should look as if she is moving towards you or turning in motion while holding their dress for a happy expression.

Seated pose
This pose is great for both short and tall models. One way to work this pose is to have the model sit on a stool or step while keeping her legs straight, relaxed and resting. For the more sexy portrait poses, you can try placing a chair in front of her, have her rest one leg on the edge of the chair and lean over the other leg.

Leaning Pose
Have the model lean against a hard surface such as a brick wall, window glasses or a tree. This is a cool pose for tall models and models with a good build. Leaning against a tree is also a good pose for the model to use in a photoshoot where she is posed standing.

For the male models, go for the cool shot when the model leaning against the wall with the cross leg.

Feminine Pose
This is one of the most popular poses for portraits that will give your models a more feminine and sexy look. It is great for hair and makeup and best to use for short and tall models.

Crossing Ankles
Crossing the ankles over your other ankle is a difficult position for many models. The beauty of crossing the ankles over each other is that you can show the model’s legs in motion and create a slight motion or twirl in the image.

Chin in Hand Pose
This pose is great for shy models. If the model has a nice big smile, this pose works wonders. The model can also lower her chin to give the look of a more sexy and seductive woman. Take time to think about the pose before putting it on your models.

Over the Shoulder
There are a lot of poses that can be achieved when the model leans her head over her shoulder. Pose the model with her body turned slightly facing away from the camera, with the head and eyes looking towards the camera.

5. Final Thoughts

I hope you find the ideas of the portrait poses above useful for your next photo shoot. Whether you are new to the industry or have been modelling for a while, I am sure you will find something on this list that will help you.

Check out the video above for more about posing models by one of my favourite photographers from the USA.

As a portrait photographer who uses the Fujifilm X system, you can find out the basic portrait shoot settings and film simulations for portrait I’ve used on my camera.

There is a lot of different styles out there. It’s important to be able to convey your own personality in your photos, which can help separate you from other models.

To avoid being typecast into one specific style, try experimenting with different poses, expressions and props. This will allow you to have a larger variety of photos that showcase your personality.

Be open to new ideas. You can always use poses that you have already used for an upcoming photoshoot, but don’t be afraid to try something new.