Previously this site was running on shared hosting, due to traffic spikes recently, my site became really slow I decided to move out from the shared hosting and go for Linode VPS! With LEMP stack setup, this site currently is running an NGINX web server and with a little tweak on WordPress caching and stuff, loading speed will be much faster than before. I’m using the same server setup as Nocturnal Asia Nightlife but hosted it in California.

It took me the whole day to get it set up as I’m having some network issues and slowness. I start with the most basic Linode 1024 plan for now as I don’t have high traffic yet. So right now I’m all set for faster loading website speed. Though there are a lot of blocking scripts especially the Spotify Playlist script which is hard to get rid of or minified. I’ll just leave it be.

I’m quite obsessed with website speed and don’t like it to be slow. I’m using CDN too for images and files. There is quite a few website speed optimization done on this site too which I will share when I have the time. I might reconsider enabling AMP for mobile on this site. That was like massive speed improvement for mobile.

Linode Cloud Hosting Review
Things that I like about Linode VPS Hosting are their features such as fast Linux cloud server deploy, SSD storage, easy to use control panel, DNS management, server insights and also their cloning of servers. Although it took a long time to clone but it was so easy to use. I’m using external Zoho email hosting because I think having an email server setup on VPS along with a live site will consume server resources.

Are you ready to deploy a Linode Cloud server for your website?