In the next few days effective July 2018, the new Google Chrome 68 will be marking all HTTP sites with the ‘Non Secure‘ red warning. It’s just a matter of time and finally, it was announced and I’m all prepared for this as I’ve successfully served under HTTPS for my blog. Yay!

I just don’t want my site to show the red warning whenever I visit my site.

Now you will see my blog have the green ‘Secure‘ lock on the browser. I’m actually providing HTTPS website migration in case you need one for your blog or website. As you see now, Google encourages websites to use HTTPS.

Here are the basic reasons why you want to migrate to HTTPS
1. The communication between website and browser is encrypted
2. Protect data from being modified
3. Perfect for e-Commerce websites that use the credit card payment for more secured transactions
4. DDOS protection
5. Improve SEO – Moving from HTTP to HTTPS also boost your website ranking

Securing Your Website from HTTP to HTTPS

Migrating to HTTPS

Drop me an email at enquiry[at] for the HTTPS migration pricing. I will be able to help you with the integration of SSL and HTTPS for any of your blogs, business sites, online shop etc.