I am currently taking mass gainer to gain more weight and recently I found my own secret recipe with my favorite ingredients. It tastes absolutely good. So I’m here to reveal my secret on how to make more than 1250 calories protein shake for the skinny to gain weight and recovery after an intense workout at the gym.

The protein drink mix recipe I’m about to reveal is for daily intake and best taken in the morning, post-workout and before sleep. Before making this mass gainer shake, there are several types of equipment needed.

Protein Shake Equipments

Here are a few things needed to make a perfect weight gainer shake. This includes a blender, a protein bottle shaker, and tablespoon.

1. Electric Blender

We need an electric blender if want to make a simple shake. There are many blenders out there and can easily get one through online via Amazon, Lazada or other major online stores. The best blenders for a protein shake with 1-Liter, 1.5-Liter or 2-Liter jug are the fruit blenders and ice blenders if you want to make an ice-blended protein shake.

You’ll need at least 1-Liter jug in order to make this weight gainer protein shake. Don’t waste money on USB blender, the glass jug is too small to store all the needed ingredients, which I will explain further below.

I don’t recommend using a portable USB blender, yes it’s cheap and convenient but the jug diameter is way too small when filling in the protein powder. There will be some powder spilling out, making a mess to the bottle when it’s wet.

2. Protein Shaker Bottle
Get a normal 600ml bottle with a shaker ball. Shaker bottle can be purchased online through online shops, supplement stores or fitness shops such as GNC, MyProtein, Optimum Nutrition, etc. Shaker bottle is used to store pre-workout or post-workout drink.

3. Protein Scoop
Any protein products we purchased come with a protein scoop inside the package. It is important to use the scoop provided inside the package so the right amount of scoops are used for making the shake.

4. Tablespoon
A tablespoon is used to put ingredients into the jug such as yogurt, peanut butter and so on. So that’s all for the things we need, simple isn’t it? Now let’s move on to the main topic which is my secret recipe mix and ingredients.

Here is the recipe needed in order to make a 1250+ calories protein shake mixed with fruits. I will be using Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Gainer protein with strawberry flavor. I use strawberry flavor because it really blends well and doesn’t taste weird at all. The ingredient needed for this mix shake is milk, plain Greek yogurt, peanut butter, banana, blueberries, and ice cubes.

Greek yogurt contains the most protein and it’s good for health. This will give a boost to your weight gainer shake. Plain greek yogurt actually tastes like cheese but it’s thick and creamy compared to regular yogurt.

Peanut butter is considered a supersport food which helps to build and repair muscles. Adding peanut butter to this drink can make the drink a little weird and strong peanut butter smell. Try adding a half tablespoon gradually and see if this suit your taste.

A banana gives us an extra 105 calories and have a high potassium content and also plenty of carbs. It helps aid recovery and can be added to the mixed shake, giving extra ‘oomph‘ to the drink. Blueberries are sweet, high in nutrition and labeled as a superfood. Adding blueberries to the drink will give a nice blend of taste.

Ice cubes can be added before or after the blend. For those who want to try an ice-blended shake, add it into the jug along with other ingredients or just add ice cubes for an ice-cold shake after the blending process.

Weight Gainer Protein Shake Recipe

2 scoops of Mass gainer powder with strawberry flavor
1 cup of milk
3 tablespoon of plain Greek yogurt
1/2 tablespoon of peanut butter
1 serving of banana
5-10 blueberries
5 ice cubes (optional and can be added before or after blending)

That’s all for my weight gainer protein shake secret recipe. Try it out and enjoy.