Wong Kar-Wai Recipes

Orange Teal Recipe: Teal Obscure is a wonderfully unique and carefully crafted mood recipe inspired by none other than the incredible Wong Kar-Wai's Fallen Angels movie. This recipe was specifically designed for Fujifilm enthusiasts who are...
Neon Obscura, is one of the most versatile cinematic film recipes ever created. Whether you seek to infuse your project with an air of darkness and mystery or aim for vibrant and captivating portrait photoshoots, Neon...

I was out for a night shoot to get some ideas for the Fujifilm simulation recipes and created the One for the Road, a low-light black & white film recipe for the Fujifilm X-T4. The One...

Cine 2046, is one of my latest cinematic film recipe creations to be included in my Fujifilm recipes for X-Trans IV Fujifilm cameras. Looking to get some cinematic still shots for your creative shot, travel, or...