
Photography related topics that covers tips & guides, camera equipment reviews & photoshoot projects

The Classic Negative film recipes has become a favorite among photographers for its nostalgic and expressive color palette that echoes the essence of traditional analog photography. Developed by Fujifilm for their X-series cameras, this simulation delivers...
At the heart of layering in street photography is the concept of depth. By dividing the scene into different planes - the foreground, middle ground, and background - photographers can create a three-dimensional feel in a...
Juxtaposition is a powerful tool in street photography. It's about finding contrasts in your environment and using them to tell a story or convey a message. These contrasts can be visual, thematic, or emotional. For example,...
The use of leading lines composition can transform your images from ordinary to extraordinary. As a beginner, mastering the art of composition is crucial, and one of the most powerful tools at your disposal is the...
The Rule of Thirds is a foundational principle in photography and cinematography that enhances the composition and aesthetic appeal of images. It involves dividing the frame into nine equal parts using two horizontal and two vertical...
Feeling uninspired with your street photography? It happens to the best of us. But fret not, because I'm here to reignite your creativity with seven of the best street photography creative composition techniques. Street photography is...
One of the most fascinating aspects of street photography reflection is its ability to add depth and layers to an image. A reflection can serve as a metaphor, hinting at hidden narratives or contrasting realities. It...
This is where the role of travel photography books becomes invaluable. Serving as friendly mentors, these books guide enthusiasts through the intricacies of the craft, providing insights, techniques, and practical tips that extend far beyond the...
Exploring street photography in Kuala Lumpur and walking through the busy streets with my camera, here I handpicked the best moments to share in this 2024 series. I roamed from the lively Chinatown KL to the...