It was TOTALLY a disappointment because my 5D4N trip to Nha Trang has been canceled just 3 days before the actual date.

I was so prepared, energized and excited for this vacation six months ago, Just 1 week before the trip, I’ve packed my clothes in my new travel luggage, get the hand sanitizer ready, get my Fujifilm mirrorless camera fully charged, exchanged to Dong currency and it turns out… trip canceled.

The word, ‘potong stim‘ are mainly used by local Malaysian, can be used when you’re about to do something but turns out not happening.

It was caused by the fear of Coronavirus. Once again it was a BIG disappointment when it comes to canceling travel plans. Sad. Not so YOLO after all. Even worse, I’m unable to get the hotel & AirAsia flight refund. This was supposed my first trip to Vietnam after my last Hua Hin getaway a year ago. Probably I’m not meant to travel to Vietnam?

Well, next destination going to be Thailand again I’m sure. I have another backup travel plan with one of my friend, let’s HOPE it goes well after this virus thing is over. LOL.

Going to reveal my top 5 wishlists of the most wanted places in Asia. These are the places I’m so eager to visit. I haven’t traveled solo before, so I just need ‘kaki‘ (in English it means leg, a word Malaysian like to use to describe when in need of an extra partner, a friend or buddies with the same interest).

I’ve even Googled of getting a ‘travel buddy’, ‘travel partner’ and ends up in a suspicious dating site. I think it’s hard to get a person to travel together randomly online. LOL. If there is… anyway, do post in the comment below!

To those people who are infected, have a good recovery from this virus. Everything is affected, not just my vacation, sports games, events, concerts, economy, businesses, etc are as well affected. Let’s hope it gets better and calm down in another 2 months.

Remember to wash hands after touching things like the doorknobs etc, stay away from crowded places and… also other humans.

So let’s chill and listen to some of the curated playlists. Do you get the wanderlust to travel after listening to my playlist below? LOL.

Wanderlust Travel Music
Top Thai Songs
Thai Audiophile

Vietnam trip Nah… Ayutthaya trip yeah after coronavirus is over.